What can be said of the great St. Augustine that has not already been said by so many of the faithful throughout the centuries? He is one with whom all of us who struggle with the faith and are tempted can identify. His fall into sin and his conversion and ultimate elevation to the high councils of the Church are well documented by historians and perhaps most importantly by himself in his Confessions.
That he rose from the ashes of sin and debauchery to be held as one of great holiness gives hope to those of use who fall prey to the lures of secular society. We do not praise him because he fell but rather that he rose from that fall in humility and faith. Always in life he pointed to a higher standard than the one he felt he had attained himself. His great intellect, guided by that faith is a treasure of the Church.
As we celebrate his memorial today we are reminded, as was great St. Augustine that while we may be called to places of greatness, our true measure will be that our efforts are on behalf of God and for his glory and not our own. We recall the words of St. Matthew who in chronicling the Lord recalls his words; “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted." May we always place the Glory of the Lord before any other motive that our reward may be received in heaven.
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